The Registration of Trademark Indonesia and other Countries - Registering a trademark in each country of course has different procedures. To register a trademark, entrepreneurs often go through complicated things. Registration of marks in each country has something in common, that is sending a letter of application for registration of a trademark to the respective government. So, what the difference between the registration of trademark indonesia and other countries? Here the explanations for you.
The Difference Trademark Policy or registration Between Indonesia And Other Countries
1. The United States of America
One of the main things that differentiate trademark registration between the US and Indonesia is the application of the principles. America has a brand principle of being the first user of a company in which the official trademark owners are completely theirs. If other marks have the same name and are registered, the company will not get a trademark license. It can protect the manufacture that has been registering a trademark first. A trademark Indonesia is very important.
2. Brazil Country
Similar to Chinese policy, Brazil also requires that any trademark registration for goods or services can be completed with a product application form. Brazil adheres to a 'first-to-file' principle, which means that trademark registration is more favorable for the early companies. A further requirement of trademark registration in Brazil is that the mark must be visually visible. If a mark is not registered within 5 years, the mark will be revoked and deleted.
3. China Country
China's policies are almost similar to Indonesia. Chinese law imposes full protection only on legally registered marks. Unlike many other systems, China also requires that a separate application is made for each class of goods or services associated with the legal trademark. This requirement increases the time and expense for trademark registration. It will protect the manufactures that serve the goods or services in global trade.
4. The Italy Country Trade Policies
The stark difference of trademark Indonesia and Italy is a non-registered mark in some of Italy's manufacture is still protected, although the level of protection provided is not as stringent as an officially registered mark. But in Indonesia, trademark registration is very important. In contrast, not officially registered marks in Italy won't consider a serious problem. These reasons make entrepreneurs in Italy has much leeway in registering their product.
If there is someone who wants to submit a trademark that has been registered by someone else, then they have the right to continue using the trademark. Provided that their company is within geographic boundaries and the brand has a fairly plus commonly used name in that country. But, if there are companies that registered trademarks, they will be given the right to protection fairly. So, it can protect the product in some manufactures.
After knowing the differences in trademark registration policies in different countries, you might think about registering your trademark internationally. But, you need to make sure your brand has been recognized in the country of origin. As is well known, registering a trademark that is recognized globally requires very complicated procedures and requirements. Therefore, you must improve the quality of the product or service that you develop.